Monday, September 14, 2009

Something designy

Here are a few of my favorite design blogs for any of you needing color/decorating inspiration or would just like to view some artsy/not so artsy stuff:
Mostest Favorite: Design Sponge
with a fun DIY idea section and great Before & Afters
Great Design:
Fun Stationary:
For those of us still living in apts (there's hope):
The most beautiful Letterpress company:
Random assortment:
And fun hilarity on cakes:

I hope you find some inspiration. Please let me know if you come upon any great design blogs and leave a comment with the address.

1 comment:

  1. ahhh browser crashed after my 13934-word comment and didn't save!! I LUVVV designsponge and im sooo glad christina told me about it!! she referred you, no? she's designsponge crazy! i have a bunch of the pages bookmarked hoping one day i will find the time and energy and money and resources to make some of these items with my own spin of course! is one im hoping to do since its such a cool idea! and we all know guests look inside! hahaha!

    there's this cool site for wall covering non-commitment, thats relatively cheap as i've looked at other design sites and they charge 2x twice as much!

    and art is not complete without the musica! sondre lerche (the guy who did soundtrack for dan in real life) is coming to Seattle on hiw one-man band tour, tuesday the 29th @ the triple door and you should see him because Im gonna see him in SF on Sunday. But if no babysitter or disposable concertshow going funds, you should listen to his live stuff here from his new CD.. ENJOY!! >> he makes me swoon like crazy!

    i miss you alli-san jose!
